For printing/photocopying maps
MapFan products allow maps to be printed and photocopiedMapFan uses maps created in house and can be used with no concern by taking simple procedures only.
For users of MapFan corporate products
Printing and photocopying of maps for internal use such as daily reports and internal documents is available at no additional charge and without additional procedures or applications.
In case of external use such as certificates, application forms and various types of maps, usage can be enabled by signing a contract and determining the usage fee by he number of sheets to be used.
For non-users of MapFan corporate products
Printing and photocopying of maps for internal use such as daily reports and internal documents can be made available by registering as a MapFan Preminum Member.
In case of external use such as certificates, application forms and various types of maps, usage can be enabled by signing a contract and determining the usage fee by he number of sheets to be used.